Bright Futures for Youth’s Grand Opening Sees Over 200 Locals in Attendance
Bright Futures for Youth is a union of three different local groups, namely the Friendship Club, NEO, and SAFE. Mary Collier founded the Friendship Club in 1995 “as a grassroots program serving girls in our rural county.” NEO was founded in 2008 by Halli Ellis-Edwards and Lynn Skrukrud were both 19 years old at the time. NEO focused on youth of both sexes providing a drug-free environment for teenagers to gather and live a positive lifestyle. “The Friendship Club established the SAFE program in 2019, providing academic, social and emotional support, and life-skills training and career paths for youth – girls and boys – and young adults experiencing homelessness.”
As of November 2023, these three non-profits are under the umbrella of Bright Futures for Youth’s executive director Jennifer Singer. Their new facility located at the Litton Building (200 Litton Drive, Grass Valley), had its Grand Opening on October 26 with over 200 local residents in attendance. The facility is complete with a music studio, art room, ping pong and pool tables, as well as a small café with coffee donated by our local Rotary groups. In order to contact for any reason, call Bright Futures for Youth at (530) 265-4311.
Bright Futures for Youth Grand Opening - café
Music room
Bright Futures for Youth Grand Opening - view of the café
Bright Futures for Youth - grand opening