Exposing the Hidden Influence: Public Sector Union Money Corrupts California's Democratic Process

We have quickly moved from the 24-hour cable news cycle to the instant social media machine where political campaigns are amplified to the nth degree. Amid the nonstop punditry and commentary, most people react to the surface level topics ignorant of how deep, complex and pervasive political debates really are. Indeed, at the core of a majority of California’s problems is a pitched battle for concentrated power and control.

In the intricate web of California's political landscape, one powerful force often lurks in the shadows, exerting its influence with staggering financial might: public sector unions. As we draw the veil of secrecy aside, the stark reality reveals a disconcerting truth – an annual infusion of over a billion dollars of public sector union money into lobbying, advocacy and political campaigns at every level of government, including the 100 legislative races happening right now. It’s not necessarily the money and influence that is corroding the essence of our Golden State Republic, but the unethical graft of the money from unsuspecting members through their dues coordinated by unions and Democrats for maximized political influence. From what we are learning, this coordination isn’t incidental, it looks to be illegal.

Let’s go back a few years to understand the dynamic. 

The 2018 Janus decision, a landmark ruling by the United States Supreme Court, should have heralded a new era of empowerment for public sector employees, freeing them from compulsory union fees. However, the tentacles of union influence run deep, as highlighted by the California Policy Center in relevant commentary, and the legal victory giving government workers their rights to the freedom of association, the insidious grip of union politics continues to tighten, using unsuspecting union members’ money to manipulate the democratic process to serve its own interests.

In an explosive report recently published, "Inside California’s Progressive “Dark Money” Machine: How Democrats Move Union Donations," California Policy Center’s Andrew Davenport lifted the veil and exposed the clandestine maneuvers of union-backed campaigns. Behind the facade of advocacy for workers' rights lies a labyrinth of backroom deals and covert contributions, rendering voters unwitting pawns in a game they scarcely comprehend. 

Davenport’s research found that 5 rural Democratic Central Committees are running millions of dollars through their accounts for legislative candidates hundreds of miles away. Most of that money is from government unions and coordinated with Democratic leadership. From what Davenport can ascertain from legal specialists and researching California’s Political Reform Act of 1974, the coordination looks to be everything that the law was trying to outlaw. 

From Davenport’s piece: “When asked about the outsized role of union contributions to his committee, Jeff Tyrell, Chairman of the Mendocino County Democratic Central Committee, acknowledged that not only are ‘coordinated campaigns’ taking place but that it is the exact purpose of central committees. 

“’I think that the difference of central committees is for this expressed purpose,’ Tyrell said. ‘What central committees are intended to do is to work with the unions.’” 

Consider the paradox: individuals who dutifully pay their membership dues to organizations like the SEIU or the California Teachers Association unwittingly finance a political entity diametrically opposed to their own well-being. Pournelle's Iron Law of Bureaucracy looms large, underscoring the inevitable tendency of organizations to prioritize self-perpetuation over genuine service to their constituents, the people of California. The union machinery, fueled by vast reservoirs of financial resources, wields its influence with impunity, subverting the democratic will and perpetuating its own power.

The seductive allure of big government beckons, fueled by the insatiable appetite of unions hungry for expanded state power. While unions purport to champion the cause of workers, their ideological compass points towards the inexorable expansion of government authority. The chasm between rhetoric and reality widens as working-class individuals find themselves unwittingly complicit in a system rigged against their interests.

It is imperative to recognize that union affiliation does not equate to ideological alignment. The ostensible representation offered by unions belies a stark reality - one where divergent interests collide, leaving ordinary citizens disenfranchised and disillusioned. As the specter of union influence looms large over California's legislative landscape, the imperative for reform grows ever more pressing.

The corrosive impact of billions of public sector union dollars cycling through California's legislative races is an affront to the principles of representative democracy. Yes, transparency and accountability can serve as the bulwarks against the encroachment of absolute union control, but government workers have an ethical obligation to call out the corruption and stop paying into a system that weaponizes their membership dues against their own interests. Through informed engagement and concerted action, we can dismantle the apparatus of corruption and restore integrity to our democratic process.

Lance Christensen

Lance Christensen is the vice president of education policy and government affairs at the California Policy Center where he works for the prosperity of all Californians by reducing public sector barriers to freedom. He spent two decades working in the state legislature and was a candidate for state superintendent of public instruction in 2022.


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