Memorial Day 2023 in Nevada County

Soldier kneeling at a grave; in the foreground are American flags

Memorial Day is a federal holiday pursuant to federal statute 5 U.S.C. § 1603, which dictates that Memorial Day is always observed on the last Monday of May. “The President is requested to issue each year a proclamation (1) calling on the people of the United States to observe Memorial Day by praying, according to their individual religious faith, for permanent peace; (2) designating a period of time on Memorial Day during which the people may unite in prayer for a permanent peace; (3) calling on the people of the United States to unite in prayer at that time; and (4) calling on the media to join in observing Memorial Day and the period of prayer.” 36 U.S.C. § 116(b).

Prayer is heavy in the statute for a reason. Memorial Day became an official federal holiday after large parts of the American public observed “Decoration Day” on May 30th each year since 1868 during which the graves of fallen soldiers from the Civil War, and later from all wars, were decorated with flowers. Now, Americans “observe Memorial Day by visiting cemeteries and memorials.  Some people wear a red poppy in remembrance of those fallen in war—a tradition that began with a World War I poem.”

As a way to honor our fallen soldiers and pray for permanent peace, please attend a Memorial Day Remembrance Celebration Event locally on Monday, May 29, 2023.

Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2655 – Guest Speaker Jason Tedder.

Pioneer Park in Nevada City Starting at 9:00am

American Legion – Wreath Salute

Memorial Park in Grass Valley from 11:00am until 12:00pm

“Various Veteran support groups will participate in a Wreath Laying Ceremony. There will be several patriotic songs by Donna Mattson and Barbra Conner, ending with a Three Volley Gun Salute and Taps by our Honor Guard.”

Memorial Day – Memorial Bridge Tour

Grass Valley Veterans Hall in Grass Valley from 1:00pm until 3:00pm

“We will meet at 1:00 in front of the Grass Valley Veterans Hall.” Learn more about the Memorial Bridge Tour.

Soldier standing in a graveyard surrounded by American flags

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