Old News From The Nevada County Assembly

The Nevada county assembly has been gathering for close to four years now. In that time a number of us have gotten to know one another and we have all had a graduate level education in what has happened to and in this country since its inception at the behest of the monarchial and international bankers’ self-named, “the high contracting powers.” Suffice it to say that they contracted to destroy the vision of this upstart among nations.

We have also been studying what we, the people, can do about the way things have gotten to be.

Perhaps it is needless to say that, at this point, they have largely succeeded. The constitution foisted upon the unknowing people after the Civil War by the international bankers created the corporation styled THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; which is a tyrannical, inverted image of what the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation and the original, organic Constitution for the united States of America established as the law of the land. (For an overview of this untaught history see my article A Crazy World to Awaken In)

Almost four years ago, something happened which stimulated some of us to gather. The pre-planned pandemic appeared, and governments globally acted in coordinated lockstep. They locked down the mom & pop businesses – not the corporate big-boxes – quarantined families, forbade public gatherings including religious services and celebrations, closed schools, mandated masks, and required shots (for which they changed the “scientific” definition of vaccine to justify). Coincidentally, the seasonal flu virtually disappeared for a couple of years. This was all in violation of our nation’s founding documents as well as the Nuremberg Protocols. Some of us noticed and wanted to talk about it.

According to both Article 1 and enshrined in the first Amendment of our original Constitution for the united States of America, we the people living on the land as Californians and American nationals have always had the unalienable right to assemble; according to the Declaration of Independence we the people have the unalienable right to air our grievances and petition government for redress. Well, here in Nevada county some of us have come quite a ways in doing this in accord with the law of the land.

Our assembly has continued to meet weekly because we recognized that both our sovereign, unalienable rights and our personal well-being was under attack and we realized this was so for the rest of us here on the land. All that we are doing to correct what is unlawful and illegal is both for ourselves, our local community and for the benefit of all of us people within our human species of consciousness. If you’d like to join with us or to learn from our efforts and begin to reclaim your unalienable rights and help to create a thriving community in your vicinity, you could not be more welcome!

In this article I want to bring to light a few of the things we have done and how our templates have begun to spread to millions of others, mostly in these united States but, notably, also in several other countries.

As mentioned in my previous article, the British Accredited Registry running the Legislative, Judicial and, often the Executive branches of the corporatocracy styled, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA has devised innumerable, essentially fraudulent, adhesion contracts with our ALL CAPITAL LETTER NAME, which we have mistakenly taken to be who we are. It is not. It is a corporation deceptively created by them for their benefit because they presume we are lost at sea and because we haven’t known to refute this, we are not entitled to our estate. We have the right to refute their presumptions and reclaim our rights and our estate. 

A corporation is a piece of paper. Each of us who has come of age is a living man or woman on the land. We can reclaim our sovereignty and disavow these contracts; extracting ourselves from the presumed authority of the UNITED STATES corporation and all of its subsidiary municipal corporations styled as STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF NEVADA, CITY OF GRASS VALLEY, CITY OF NEVADA CITY, etc. The jurisdiction of all of these is the 10-square-mile city state of the District of Columbia.

The literally millions of rules these corporations have superimposed upon the people on the land of this nation are merely De Facto statutes. They are not law. They are Color Of Law, i.e. “Color of law refers to the appearance of legal authority or an apparently legal right that may not exist.”

We have the right to own the land our homes are sitting on and not be the tenants on an Assessor’s Parcel Number – bringing forward the land patents.

We have the right to travel as non-commercial drivers. 

The only thing that holds any elected or appointed government official to behave within the Law is their oath to do so and their fidelity bond. The oath is to the constraints on government created by the constitution and to protect the people and the nation from all threats, foreign and domestic. Their fidelity bond is essentially their pledge to be personally liable to the people if they fail in these duties and act ultra vires, "beyond the powers," which describes actions taken by government bodies or corporations that exceed the scope of power given to them by the constitutions, the subject of their oath. 

Among the things our assembly has done over the last four years we learned that oaths must be properly completed in the correct style by the living man or woman who is holding office, and it must be filed or recorded in a specific location in a specified, timely manner. We have requested certified copies of the oaths of office for the corporation’s Board of Supervisors, Sheriff, numerous Judges, prosecuting attorneys, clerks, policy enforcers and agents in the administration. In fact, we have yet to find any official who has a properly completed and filed oath. This has serious consequences for the people and those whom we believed had a fiduciary responsibility to us and our constitution.

Not having a properly completed and filed oath means they are not in office , their actions are void ab initio (from the beginning), and they cannot collect a paycheck. Here, in the STATE OF CALIFORNIA the insurance policy the officials have in lieu of the required fidelity bond, will not cover them if they are operating ultra vires! So, how is this protecting the public?

This means each of these actors pretending to be government can be held personally liable for a million dollars each. UCC liens can be filed and collected against their homes, their car, in fact, all of their possessions are up for grabs. We have notified them of these violations. When they failed to respond, we notified them of their fault, their lack of honor in commerce. When they again failed to respond, we notified them of their default, and gave them further opportunity to cure. Then we notified them of our default judgment. Now, they are all personally liable.

A few days before their final vote on the Idaho-Maryland mine, we reminded the Board of Supervisors that they are actors impersonating government and have no jurisdiction over the land and the people of this county and we also informed the Canadian, RISE MINE corporation of these facts. Perhaps it is a coincidence that they voted, “No.”

Our Nevada county assembly’s sister organization, Living Law Society, has begun making the templates of what we have been doing available to others who have been moving forward with these processes in their area.

Just to show you it is not just a local problem, attorney Todd Calendar and Lisa McGee have discovered that not one person in Biden’s cabinet has a proper oath and bond. Everything they have done since taking offices, which they all failed to properly secure, is void from the beginning. They and their estates are financially responsible for any damages the people have suffered from their unlawful actions.

They are actors impersonating government officials; this misdemeanor carries fines and up to three years in prison.

A growing number of patriotic activist groups have taken notice of what we have done. We’ve become an integral part of The Peoples Operation Restoration which in the two weeks after its launch ballooned to over 1,850,000 people who’ve signed up to replicate what we’ve been doing in their locations. These alliances represent a rapidly spreading awakening.

The way I am seeing this part of our shared awakening; we are in the midst of the second American revolution and the First global revolution. There is so much more to tell including how all the corporation’s courts are actually for-profit banks with direct connections to the privately owned Federal Reserve engaged in human trafficking. But that’s for another essay.

John: Lumiere-Wins

Psychological and Spiritual Counselor residing in Grass Valley




The Hippocratic Oath: Honor