Pleasant Ridge Union School District: January 2023

The Pleasant Ridge Union School District Board of Trustees includes Deanne Opdahl, Chris Mertens, Katrina Paz, Peggy Fava, and Kelly McKinley. Their first meeting of 2023 was held on January 10 at 22580 Kingston Lane in Grass Valley. Here’s how the Board voted. 

The Board unanimously approved the following motions: 

Approve the Consent Agenda

This includes approval of the December meeting minutes, accounts payable, the personnel change report, the Williams Settlement Report (no complaints filed), and a new salary schedule reflecting the 2023 minimum wage increase. 

Approve Board Policy Updates

The Board unanimously approved 23 updated Board policies, administrative regulations, and exhibits. Here are a few highlights and excerpts: 

Charter school renewal: one highlight would be the timeline for a district to approve or deny the renewal of a charter school. “Within 60 days of receiving the renewal petition, the Board shall hold a public hearing to review documentation submitted by the charter school, determine the level of support for the petition, and obtain public input.” As a member of the public, a community member should be able to review the petition documentation as a part of that public hearing process. 

For the comprehensive local plan for special education, “Each year, the Superintendent or designee shall provide to the Board any data and /or information regarding the special education funding generated by the district as supplied by the SPI and the SELPA in accordance with Education Code 56836.148.” 

The superintendent (or designee) is expected to oversee the development of a districtwide comprehensive safety plan that is applicable to each school site. The comprehensive safety plan(s) has to be reviewed and updated by March 1 of each year and must be forwarded to the Board for approval.

For the LCAP (local control and accountability plan), the Board must (by law) establish a parent advisory committee to review and comment on the LCAP. The committee must be composed of a majority of parents/guardians. A parent can request to be on the LCAP committee and can contact the Board and superintendent to make that request. 

The following time limitations apply to the presentation of claims against the district for money or damages against the district: many claims must be made no later than six months after the accrual of the cause of action, while some claims are allowed one year. 

When facilities projects are completed, audits have to be concluded within one year of project completion. 

The Superintendent is responsible for regularly reviewing current guidance regarding cybersecurity and digital media awareness and “incorporating recommended practices into the district's processes and procedures related to the protection of the district's network infrastructure.” The superintendent is also responsible for monitoring and responding to suspicious and/or threatening digital media content. 

Contractors who will be working on projects where they may be in contact with students cannot have a history of violent or serious felonies. This is not required when the project is done in an emergency or exceptional situation. 

The school district has a written bomb threat procedure. If such a threat is received, the employee who receives it must call 911 to report it, then report to the superintendent. “To the extent possible, the Superintendent or designee shall maintain communications with staff, parents/guardians, the Governing Board, other governmental agencies, and the media during the period of the incident.” 

“Each school day, the district shall provide, free of charge, a nutritionally adequate breakfast and lunch for any student who requests a meal.”

The above are only highlights and excerpts; the public has access to read the policies and understand what is required or expected of employees, parents, students, and others associated with the school district. 

Approve Occupational Therapist Job Description

This was added to the agenda at the last minute and approved by the Board so that the superintendent could hire an occupational therapist. 

Upcoming votes

  • The Board had a “first read” of several Board policies, which they might vote on in the next meeting. Here are some highlights of those policies. 

  • A website policy lists specific resources that must be available on the district website, such as the LCAP (local control and accountability plan). 

  • The Board packet also included a proposed complaint procedure form

  • The proposed policy on civility includes this phrasing: “The Board understands that the First Amendment provides strong protection for speech. However, the Board expects that all speech and expression will comport with norms of civil behavior…” 

  • The proposed policy on transfer of funds states that a district cannot budget more for an expense than the maximum funds it has to make that expense. 

  • Other policy recommendations state that the superintendent is responsible for developing a campus security plan to keep students safe and that the superintendent can close a school site in the case of an emergency. 

  • Another proposed policy change includes providing menstrual products at no-cost to students in women’s restrooms, all-gender restrooms, and at least one men’s restroom.

  • The final proposed policies allow for electronic signatures as a convenient paperless option. Both parties must agree to this method. 

Stephanie Leishman

Stephanie lives in Grass Valley, California.


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