Please Allow Me to Introduce Myself
Melissa Hunt is a candidate for Assembly District 1.
Hi! My name is Melissa Hunt and I live in Anderson, CA. All my growing up years, my grandparents (Kate & Frenchy Hunt) lived on Wolf Road in Grass Valley with my great aunt and uncle (Dennis & Muriel Jones) living across the street from them. I have great memories of rolling down the hill of Grandma & Grandpa's pasture and sampling Uncle Dennis' homemade Walnut Bread. They are all long gone but Grass Valley holds a dear place in my heart because of it. And as I grew up and became a teacher, I so loved teaching my students the history of the Gold Rush which is so rich in the Grass Valley area and throughout Northern California.
Melissa Hunt (shortest one) with her family in 1971 in front of her grandparent's home on Wolf Road Grass Valley
I am now a candidate for State Assembly District 1. I am on the Anderson City Council and served as Mayor in 2015 and 2020. I have a Master's degree in Education and am a former educator. Being born and raised in the Northstate, specifically Shasta County, I love this state! But our state is in bad shape and needs some common sense in Sacramento. With my experience in education, I can also tell you that what they are teaching our children with this current curriculum is not okay nor acceptable. They are robbing our kids of their innocence and taking away parental control. Our children will be my first priority and need our protection. Parents should be making all medical decisions for their children as well and I will be outspoken about local school districts (along with other municipalities) having local control. Under Newsom's term, he has chosen to hand down mandates and requirements that have stolen Californians of their freedom. This is a Republic not a Dictatorship!
With my experience on the Anderson City Council, I have purposefully been active in Sacramento through the League of California Cities to be that conservative voice from Northern California. I have worked with elected officials throughout the state with my work at the League. When I was appointed to the City Council, unbeknownst to me, I had infiltrated the "Good Ole Boys Club." It was all about their position in the community. Now? We now have a council that really is interested in helping their community and bringing housing and business to town with a reputation of great customer service. We are pro public safety and our streets show it. We have mesmerizing Christmas Tree lightings that create memorable family activities that encourage parents to raise their family in our city.
Other areas that I will focus on include:
Mental Health Facilities for our communities. California has been great about creating programs and requiring the counties or cities to implement them. But the problem is that the funds run out after a couple of years and the problem continues. Instead, I will put forward legislation that those funds be put toward Mental Health FACILITIES that will stay in our communities and continue to serve the community for good. In the area of homelessness in our communities, this will help Law Enforcement officers to take people that are experiencing addiction or sobriety issues or having a mental health breakdown, to the mental health facility and free up our jail bed for offenders. And I just cannot close out this paragraph without stating that we have to open back up our prisons and put sentenced offenders back where they belong! This will free up local jailbeds that are currently needed.
Forest Management has to be a priority as well. We are years behind in getting our forests thinned out. But that doesn't mean we just don't do anything. You have to start somewhere. Get mills and loggers going again. Also cut in egresses into communities for safety measures so our residents have more than one exit out of the community and are able to get out in a safe manner. We need the federal and state to work together and update the agreements to be more user friendly when it comes to preventing and fighting fires.
If you have any questions or would like me to attend your event, I can be reached at 530-378-1782. If you agree with my thoughts about leadership and would like to support me monetarily, feel free to send a check to Melissa Hunt For Assembly 2024, c/o 9458 Treelake Rd, Granite Bay, CA 95746 with your employer, job description, mailing address and phone for FPPC requirements. And prayers are always welcome! Grandpa and Grandma would be so proud!
Thank you and respectfully,
Melissa Hunt