Why is Sierra College's Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) Becoming Politicized?

Terence McAteer at Sierra College pointing at his chalkwritten "Learn all about Republicans and why I don't like them"

Ah, Terry McAteer. He's heavily involved in partisan politics. He's the spokesman for the failed Yes on Measure V campaign, which is being investigated by the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) for possible fraudulent use of funds. And now, he's using taxpayer-funded public school Sierra College to bash his political opponents and further his political goals. 

(The FPPC is a five-member independent, non-partisan commission that has primary responsibility for the impartial and effective administration of the Political Reform Act. The Act regulates campaign financing, conflicts of interest, lobbying, and governmental ethics.)

Sierra College OLLI course listing

Sierra College OLLI courses. Browse more Sierra College OLLI courses.

S. Walsh

S. Walsh is an advocate for veterans and veteran’s rights in California. Her father served as a fighter pilot in WWII. She is a frequent contributor to Sierra Thread, an independent online news source dedicated to publishing an honest account of topics in the public interest.


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