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Beneficial Ownership Reporting Requirements: A Tumultuous Journey Through Courts and Congress
As of February 21, 2025, companies must prepare to file beneficial ownership information reports to the Dept. of Treasury by March 21, 2025, unless the Senate acts swiftly on H.R. 736 or courts intervene. The process involves submitting names, addresses, birthdates, and identification numbers for beneficial owners via FinCEN’s online portal—a task many find daunting amid the uncertainty.
American Exception: Our Illegal Foreign and Domestic Policies
It is clear that the U.S. and its allies were out to sabotage possibilities for peace immediately after the Russian invasion. Were it not for their interference, the current war could have ended in early March 2022. For the sake of Ukraine’s very survival and to avoid a potential nuclear war, the President of the United States has one overriding responsibility: Negotiate!
Notes of Debates in the Federal Convention of 1787 Reported by James Madison
The final form of the revisions to the Articles, which resulted in an entirely new Constitution, was a surprise to the states and the populous of the nation. The reason that the new Constitution was a revelation is because the delegates made certain that their deliberations would remain secret.
The First Amendment: What Constitutes Free Speech?
City leaders attempted to get a restraining order against Skyler Henry for comments he made on his political podcast.