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After Hours of Public Comments, Grass Valley City Council Takes Position on International Conflict
On Tuesday, February 25, 2025, the Grass Valley City Council held its regular meeting for which the agenda included a proposed resolution regarding an international conflict, specifically between Palestine and Israel.
The Consequences of Adopting an Out-of-Scope Ceasefire Resolution
In the fall of 2024, Nevada City adopted a resolution calling for a ceasefire between Israel and Palestine. Members of the public are now pressuring the City of Grass Valley to do the same. Should the Grass Valley city council adopt a resolution on an international issue?
A Peace Plan: Healing the Wounds of Gaza and Israel
Amnesty is the bedrock of this plan. Amnesty is the political equivalent of forgiveness. It is wiping the slate clean and dropping the desire for justice and vengeance. There are already Israelis and Palestinians working together in a dialogue for peace. They know things cannot continue as they have been.
Israel As an Apartheid State
“Since its establishment in 1948, Israel has created and maintained an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination over Palestinians.”
A Response to Antisemitism
When educated people respond to an act of savagery not with a defense of civilization, but with a defense of barbarism, it is an early warning system that society itself is breaking down.
Judaism and Democrats
“The sick thrill of antisemitism has a price: the surrender of reason, and, with it, of conscience.” - David Mamet
Understanding the History of the Israeli/Palestinian Conflict
In order to understand the recent events in Israel and Gaza, it is necessary to look back to the historical facts that created this terrible humanitarian crisis which affects innocent civilians on both sides.