The Year of Contemplation - A Formal Introduction

“Celebrate endings—for they precede new beginnings.” 

Jonathan Lockwood Huie

At a swearing-in ceremony at the Nevada County Government Center on January 3, 2023, the chairwoman of the Board of Supervisors of Nevada County proclaimed that 2023 is the “Year of the Heart.” In her remarks, the chairwoman further stated, “May we have the courage to reach out with kindness, compassion, and integrity. May the fruits of our labor yield gratitude and generosity. Let’s live on that for 2023.” 

While this sentiment is agreeable, it feels like a missed opportunity. As 2023 progresses, the COVID epidemic continues to spread fear, mistrust, and uncertainty as virulently as it has brought death and destruction. Surging energy prices have resulted in a generational rise in inflation that continues to impact the most vulnerable of citizens. Resulting economic impacts have led to geopolitical instability between historic rivals that continue with little end in sight, impacting all of humanity. Distrust in the media and the healthcare sectors remains high. The response from government and elected officials feels incomplete, unsatisfying, and bureaucratic. The articulated desire of local government to increase the societal yield of intangibles such as gratitude and generosity seem far-fetched and almost foreign.

At Sierra Thread, we proclaim 2023 the “Year of Contemplation.” In that spirit, Sierra Thread is a new media company that acts as a source of news and opinion, attempting to better inform local readers. To start, we offer three themed areas for the general public to read, analyze, and contemplate.

  • The “Exposed Thread” – Factual news and current events, not news designed for the reader; rather news that the reader needs to know

  • The “Tapestry” – Opinion and analytical submissions from community members throughout the Sierra Nevada intended to provoke discussion and contemplation

  • The “Slingshot” – Humor and entertainment

Unlike other regional purveyors of information and opinion, Sierra Thread will not accept government money to promote any news item or public opinion. Local traditional media has been compromised to such an extent that Sierra Thread views it as largely unsalvageable. Regional newspaper ownership has been consolidated, repackaged, and sold to a Canadian media conglomerate to control local narratives and government talking points. Local radio survives on the crumbs the local government throws at it. It’s time for a new beginning.

The mission of Sierra Thread is to create a viable alternative for those that want to learn more and contemplate the views of a wide range of people and organizations. Sierra Thread will make best efforts to distill and refine the chaotic din of information that pervades daily life. The influence that has bearing over the content of Sierra Thread will be from the search for what is right. 

Foundational Principles of Sierra Thread

  • The Bill of Rights confirms our natural and cherished right, as citizens, to a “Free Press.” Sierra Thread can only exist so long as such refrain remains true and unsullied.

  • The focus of content will be on regional issues of interest. An absence of investigative journalism from established media sources has resulted in a demand for “Citizen Journalism” —and Sierra Thread will address this need on a best efforts basis.

  • Candidates for public office will have unpaid access to highlight their achievements, display their qualifications, and air out their opinions and stances on our region’s critical issues. Written and video submissions will be evaluated and considered for publication and when published, it will be without financial expense or future expectations. 

  • Press releases from government and non-profit sources will be scrutinized for factual content. Sierra Thread is focused on fact-based information exchange, analysis, and commentary, operating in a fluff-free zone.

Have something to contribute? Sierra Thread wants to hear from you! Send all submissions for publication, in all formats, to: And if you’d like to advertise with us, contact

With gratitude and humility,

The Sierra Thread team

Sierra Thread

Sierra Thread is a media company: a source of news and opinion, informing local readers.


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