Voters Have Been Grossly Misled by the City Regarding Measure B

After receiving my 2024 Primary Election Voter Information Guide, it was very plain to me that voters within Grass Valley were being misled intentionally by the city attorney and city staff, and I might add here, all five of the council members.

On February 23, 2024, I sent the letter to the California Secretary of State to let them know that I believe voters have been grossly misled by the City’s attorney and staff regarding Measure B.

That same day, I emailed the following letter to and sent it to the City of Grass Valley City Council and Nevada County Registrar of Voters. I also gave the City Clerk several copies prior to the start of the City Council meeting of February 27, 2024. I have not received a response from any of these organizations. I see very clearly what they have done is wrong. 

Why Measure B is misleading

My main concern is that the City of Grass Valley’s legal counsel and staff have used the official Nevada County Voter Information Guide and the Official Ballot to intentionally expose voters to concepts not contained in, and contrary to, Ordinance No. 826 / Measure B. 

  1. The tax revenue will flow to the City’s general fund, not a special fund, so reference to special purposes is misleading.  

  2. The ballot language conflicts with the city ordinance. The ballot language notes specific uses and the ordinance does not define specific uses. 

  3. The City Attorney’s impartial analysis conflicts with the city ordinance. The impartial analysis includes specific uses for the sales tax revenue, while the city ordinance does not describe specific purposes for the tax. 

In my letter, I propose a solution, “In light of these actions, and regardless of the outcome of the vote on Measure B, the City Council must not adopt tax Ordinance No. 826. Instead, the Council should offer voters a special tax ordinance requiring a two-thirds vote. The tax revenue generated by such a measure may then be properly promoted and advertised to the voters as being committed to reducing the risk of wildfire.”

Also of great concern is the use of the word “will.” I said in my letter, “In addition, Council members Branstrom, Hodge, Caravelli, and Ivy, and Mayor Arbuckle signed on to an ‘Argument in Favor of Measure B’, also contained in the Voter Guide, which states: ‘Measure B will fund FIREFIGHTER, WILDFIRE RISK REDUCTION and VEGETATION MANAGEMENT for Grass Valley.’ The term ‘will’ as used in this sentence implies a guarantee. As current council members, it is not possible to guarantee the disposition of tax revenues over a seven-year period.  You also managed to mislead the voters.”

Click on an image above to view

Speaking to the Grass Valley City Council

I also attended the February 27 City Council meeting to present my thoughts during Public Comment. I said: 

“Thank you for allowing me to speak this evening regarding Measure B. I hope you all received a copy of my February 23rd letter. I am not here this evening to debate the need for additional protection from wildfires, or even the wisdom of voting YES or NO on Measure B.

I believe, as council members, you have been placed in a very compromised position given the manner in which Measure B was presented to the voters. My letter explains the details. 

In summary, and I quote from my letter, ‘The City of Grass Valley’s attorney and staff have taken every opportunity, through use of the official Nevada County Voter Information Guide and the Official Ballot to intentionally expose voters to concepts not contained in, and actually contrary to, Ordinance No. 826.’ This ordinance is the whole of Measure B.

Because of this, the voters have been grossly misled.

Should Measure B fail to secure a majority vote, this problem will become a moot point. 

Should Measure B garner a majority vote, you will be put in the position of having to acknowledge the circumstances described in my letter and hopefully act in good conscience by scrapping the proposed ordinance. 

Perhaps the council would consider removing the measure from the ballot prior to March 5 before the votes are tallied? I have read a lot about trust in The Union newspaper the last couple of days. Well, as you know trust is something you earn. I hope you will be earning our trust by doing the right thing and starting over.”

I plan on attending any future meetings dealing with Measure B to reiterate the problems with the official voter materials. 


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