Why Does the First of the Ten Commandments Say to "Worship God Only"?

As the annual celebration of Easter arrives in a few days on April 9, it is beneficial to review the very first of the Ten Commandments, “Worship no other gods but Me.” At first take, it sounds rather egotistical and arrogant of God, if not insecure. Why is worshipping God commandment Number One?

We have an in-built, natural readiness to worship. God knows this is true of us. God also knows there is a danger in such a powerful capacity. Just as the human eye is automatically caught by light and by movement, our worship-oriented hearts have the potential to admire and then adore any number of things which may catch our attention. That which captures our devotion inexorably moves to capturing our allegiance. That which captures our allegiance becomes our master. Of all the things or people that could captivate us, it is only the true, living, loving God who will not abuse our allegiance.

Rev. Dan Prout

Pastor Dan Prout: Sierra Ministries International and California Prayer Coalition. Grass Valley, California.


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