Why I’m voting Independent: the time is now for a third party

“During this campaign and during my administration, I will focus on the values that we share instead of the issues that divide us.” – Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is now officially on the California ballot as the American Independent Party candidate for President of the United States. There’s growing support for Kennedy in Nevada County.

What’s driving this movement to a third party? 

For a lifelong Democrat, like me, it’s been a disappointment in the way the Democratic National Committee (DNC) has conducted itself in the last two elections. Take for example the 2016 election between Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton (not a popular candidate). Ruthless tactics by the DNC threw the strongest candidate, Bernie Sanders, under the bus. The result was a disastrous election victory for Donald Trump. I voted for Hilary despite supporting Bernie Sanders.

Joe Biden is Not the Answer to World Peace

In the last election, Biden won by a very slim margin. Again, I voted for Biden. His popularity and viability as President have now waned significantly due to his financial support of the lost war in Ukraine and his continuing funding of Israel’s genocide against Palestinians in Gaza. 

Biden’s disingenuous rhetoric of calling for a cease-fire, while at the same time funding Israel and sending bombs to kill Palestinian civilians, has caused many Democrats, myself included, to leave the party. 

The U.N. General Assembly voted 143-9 to approve the Arab and Palestinian-sponsored resolution to grant new ‘rights and privileges’ to Palestine and called on the Security Council to reconsider Palestine’s request to become the 194th member of the United Nations. The United States voted against it. Why?

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Maligned by the Pharmaceutical Industry

The media blackout of Kennedy, funded by the pharmaceutical industry, has pegged him wrongly as an anti-vaxxer. If you read his book, The Real Anthony Fauci, you will learn he is not against vaccines. Kennedy is clearly for randomized controlled trials of vaccines, something that didn’t happen with Operation Warp Speed, nor has it occurred with childhood vaccine safety testing. True!

Robert Kennedy Jr. was forced out of the Democratic party because Biden and the DNC wouldn’t allow him on the primary ballot in several states as a Democrat. Adding insult to injury, Biden continues to refuse Kennedy any secret service protection, a normal courtesy afforded to Presidential candidates.

Voters are fed up with the partisan bickering of both parties whose inability to work for the good of all Americans is duly noted. Now the fear rhetoric being thrown about is he will pull votes from Biden, thus giving the election to Trump. Interestingly, Kennedy is also pulling disenfranchised Republican voters to his campaign.

Kennedy’s Historic Announcement Speech

Kennedy’s Policies

Cleaning up the environment - Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was instrumental in cleaning up the Hudson, a virtually dead river, to one of America’s cleanest. He united liberal environmentalists with conservative fishing and hunting enthusiasts who shared a desire for a clean and healthy environment. As President, protecting the nation’s environment will be a top priority.

Restoring our Civil Liberties – Protecting the Bill of Rights, which includes freedom of speech, are sacrosanct to a democracy. We have witnessed the gradual erosion of these rights in recent years. Our government and tech platforms have conspired to surveil and censor those voices who run contrary to their policies.

Revitalization of our Economy: Forty Years of off-shore drilling, oil pipelines through indigenous lands, and misguided “free-trade” schemes, have ruined our environment and compromised our industrial infrastructure. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has pledged to create policies that will strengthen unions and favor small businesses. He will support American labor. He will curtail the ‘to-big-to-fail’ banks. When another crisis strikes, he will bail out homeowners and small businesses instead.

Ending the Forever Wars: Kennedy plans to return the military to its proper role of defending the country and end the proxy wars. The U.S. spent over $8 trillion on the regime change wars of the 21st century. There’s no sign that Biden or Trump will stop the relentless cycle of wars. Printing more dollars to pay for these wars has increased the national debt and has driven current inflation.

The Humanitarian Crisis at Our Southern Border: Kennedy’s administration will enact deeper reforms to stem illegal migration in the long term while expanding lawful, orderly immigration according to principles of justice and fairness. This is a matter of national security.

Ending the Disease Epidemic: Kennedy's plan is to transition the U.S. from a toxic, degenerative industrial food system to an organic regenerative system of agriculture. When elected President, Kennedy intends to create a firewall between the FDA, a regulatory agency tasked with protecting the people, and the pharmaceutical industry. No more revolving door, allowing pharmaceutical executives to run the FDA!

I believe we must break the duopoly of the corrupt two-party system that prevents real choice.

On this Fourth of July, I support Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for President because I choose common sense over partisan politics, cooperation over division, health over corporate profits, peace over war, and ethics over corruption.

The Real Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Documentary


Who is Bobby Kennedy?


Pauli Halstead

Pauli is a retired professional chef, caterer, and event planner. She owned the Best of Everything catering company, producing weddings and many other events in the Napa and Sonoma wine region for twenty two years. Moving to Nevada City in 2011, she was VP of Sierra Roots and then purchased a home on Gold Flat Road which served as the first adult day center in the city, serving many homeless and food insecure clients. Pauli is the author of Primal Cuisine, Cooking for the Paleo Diet. She also has a monthly column in the health section of The Union and writes articles which encourage people to maintain a healthy diet and immune system.


Declaration of Independence


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