Celebrating National Military Appreciation Month

Through May, people across the country have been celebrating National Military Appreciation Month. “Not only do we pause on Memorial Day to remember the sacrifice and service of those who gave all,” says Military.com, “but the month also marks several other military anniversaries and events, including Military Spouse Appreciation Day and Armed Forces Day.”

Armed Forces Day

Armed Forces Day is a celebration held across the United States of America every year on the third Saturday in May. Also, May is Military Appreciation Month. Armed Forces Day is a holiday that was announced by Secretary of Defense Louis Johnson on August 31, 1949 to replace separate holidays for Army, Navy and the Air Force when they unified under the Department of Defense. President Harry S. Truman signed the proclamation in 1950:  

“WHEREAS it is fitting and proper that we devote one day each year to paying tribute to the Armed Forces as the servants and protectors of our Nation: NOW, THEREFORE, I, HARRY S. TRUMAN, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim that Saturday, May 20, 1950, shall be known as Armed Forces Day…”

Veterans of Foreign Wars shared, “Despite those who look to upend our great nation and threaten peace around the world, U.S. service members continue to selflessly stand watch for those who would do us harm. Even now, a new generation of people are raising their right hand to serve in defense of our country.” 

What is the difference between Armed Forces Day and Veterans Day? Joseph Andrew Lee of USO says, “Unlike Veterans Day (previously observed as Armistice Day - the end of World War I), which honors those who wore the cloth of our nation at war; and unlike Memorial Day, which honors those who died wearing the cloth of our nation at war, Armed Forces Day is the proper day to honor all of the men and women currently serving, as well as those who have served and sacrificed to defend our freedom.”

On May 18, 2024, The Golden Empire Flying Association and Downtown Grass Valley Association partnered with Nevada County to host the Armed Forces Day celebration and “fly-in.” Over 100 aircraft were on display. 

“On Armed Forces Day, the nation honors the patriots serving in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Space Force, Coast Guard and National Guard. The event aims to pay tribute to the military personnel's professionalism and unwavering dedication to supporting and defending the country's Constitution, safeguarding peace, growing prosperity, and giving hope to oppressed peoples or those facing tyranny abroad,” said Steve Rose, who is the Human Resources Director for Nevada County and a retired Major from the United States Air Force.

About Armed Forces Day and the Armed Forces in general, United States Presidents have said: 

“...the Armed Forces, as a unified team, are currently performing, at home and across the seas, tasks vital to the security of the nation and to the Establishment of a durable peace.” - President Harry S. Truman, 1950

"It is fitting and proper that we devote one day each year to paying special tribute to those whose constancy and courage constitute one of the bulwarks guarding the freedom of this nation and the peace of the free world." - President Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1953

"Word to the Nation: Guard zealously your right to serve in the Armed Forces, for without them, there will be no other rights to guard." - President John F. Kennedy, 1962

"Their contribution to our freedom and safety is measureless. Our national security depends on the maintenance of alert military forces as a deterrent to any possible aggressor." - President Lyndon B. Johnson, 1964

“...young Americans have fought not for conquest, not for the glory of battle, but because they believe in peace and because they believe in freedom, and they want it for themselves and their children, and they want it permanently and not just for the moment.” - President Richard M. Nixon, 1969 

“For nearly two hundred years, in times of war and peace, the Armed Forces of the United States have served the Nation with courage and devotion.” - President Gerald R. Ford, 1974

“The men and women of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and Coast Guard serve their country with pride and dignity. Each day we enjoy peace is a reminder of their important role.” - President Jimmy Carter, 1978

“They serve our nation with dignity, courage, and pride in duty stations throughout the world. The peace we enjoy today reminds us of their important role.” - President Ronald Reagan, 1982

“A nation's military strength is not found in its defensive systems and weapons alone, or even in the number of its military personnel. It is the personal character of the men and women in uniform—their faith, readiness, will, and devotion—that makes a nation's armed forces proud and strong. As Patrick Henry observed when urging his fellow Americans to fight for our country's independence: ‘The battle .. . is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave.’” - President George H.W. Bush, 1989

“Today we are at another turning point. The Cold War is over, but our Nation is faced with a host of new and more complex challenges to peace and stability in the world. Yet we face the future in a position of strength and with a powerful and ready military force. As President and Commander in Chief, I am pleased to join with all Americans in saluting the men and women of the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, and the Coast Guard. We also thank their families and friends, whose love and sacrifice make a special contribution to America's security. The Nation's peace and stability are in very capable hands; we are deeply grateful.” - President Bill Clinton, 1994

“The theme of this year's celebration is "United For Freedom." During this celebration, I encourage Americans to show the world that we are unified as a people and ready to defend our way of life, our freedoms, and our homeland.” - President George W. Bush, 2002 

“With courage and honor, our men and women in uniform embody the everlasting responsibility we have to each other and to future generations by giving of themselves to ensure the preservation of our Republic and secure peace throughout the world.” - President Barack Obama, 2016

“...the men and women of our Nation’s Armed Forces serve with honor and distinction and stand ready to selflessly defend our Nation. On Armed Forces Day, we pay tribute to these patriots, whose work enables our country to shine always as a beacon of freedom and hope for the world.” - President Donald J. Trump, 2020

“On this special day of tribute, we recognize the sacrifices that our service members and their families make on our behalf, and we recommit to our solemn duty to support them as they protect us.” - President Joseph R. Biden Jr.

Memorial Day

A federal holiday to honor those who died in military service, Memorial Day is observed on the last Monday in May (May 27, 2024). 

President Ronald Reagan said, “As a tribute to their sacrifice, let us renew our resolve to remain strong enough to deter aggression, wise enough to preserve and protect our freedom, and thoughtful enough to promote lasting peace throughout the world.”

President Bill Clinton said, "As we contemplate the comforts and blessings of our lives and the well-being of our nation, I ask you to pause just for a moment to remember those who gave their lives to protect the values that give meaning to our lives." 

Americans are invited to pause at 3:00 p.m. on Memorial Day to offer a minute of silence for those who have fallen in service to their country. 

Military Spouse Appreciation Day

“Military Spouse Appreciation Day is a day set aside for us to pause to recognize the military spouses around us who have the greatest impact on our lives and our military communities” (Military.com). 

This holiday is celebrated the Friday before Mother’s Day. Military spouses often endure long periods away from their loved one, multiple moves around the country and abroad, and suffer the pain of loss if their loved one dies in service to the country. 

“Like their service members, they too represent the best of who we are as Americans.  Military spouses know what it means to make sacrifices in defense of our ideals and freedoms.  And they live with the hardship of having their life partner deployed away from home — juggling all the responsibilities of work and family while saying an extra prayer every morning that their spouse returns home safely.” - President Joseph R. Biden Jr., 2022

“I want to thank you for not only the families that you build and that you serve, but for the difference that you make on and off-base with all of the families who serve and all those who provide support roles.” - Vice President Mike Pence, 2017

Stephanie Leishman

Stephanie lives in Grass Valley, California.


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