How Do I Serve on a School Board?

Serving on a local school board is an important opportunity to make a difference in the quality of education for students and management of the school as a whole. Running for the office may seem out of reach or too complicated, but this article is meant to answer some questions about where to begin and what to expect.

Who can run for a school board position in Nevada County?

You need to be 18 years of age or older, a California citizen, a registered voter, and a resident of the school district you are running for. The county provides maps to help you determine which school district(s) you live in. 

Which school board positions in Nevada County are up for election in November?

There are positions up for election in November in all of the following districts: 

Chicago Park 

Clear Creek Elementary

Grass Valley

Nevada City

Nevada Joint Union High School District 

Penn Valley Union Elementary 

Pleasant Ridge 

Tahoe Truckee Unified School District

Twin Ridges Elementary 

Union Hill 

I don’t have kids in the school district. Can I run?

Yes, of course! You do not have to have children who attend the school district. School districts need conscientious, talented people who care about the children in their community and the quality of the education they are getting. 

Parents and grandparents whose children have grown up and are no longer in a K-12 school can run and have an important perspective. People who don’t have children at all can run; everyone has children in their lives in one way or another, whether they are aunts, uncles, or volunteer for children’s causes. 

Also, a school district has a lot of facets to manage in finance, maintenance, operations, and more, and people who understand those issues can be of great help. Professionals such as local business leaders, attorneys, and accountants run to provide their expertise and perspective to the board. A school board has a lot of different areas to make decisions about and having a background in one or more different areas can be a plus. 

If you don’t have children in the school district because you homeschool them, you might be doing so because you don’t like what’s happening in public schools. If that’s the case, you can run for a school board to make the changes you hope to see to improve the quality of education that you and likely several others want to see. 

Do I have to be affiliated with a political party to run?

No. School boards are nonpartisan positions. Your political party preference, if any, is not relevant to this position.

What is a “trustee area”?

According to a guide published by the California School Boards Association, “Board members have specific geographic trustee areas in which they must live and are elected only by the residents of that area. It is important to note that all county board members are elected by trustee area.”

What are the responsibilities of a school board member? 

According to the California School Boards Association, a school board:

  1. Sets the direction for the school

  2. Supports an organizational structure consistent with the district’s vision, which includes hiring, curriculum, and budgeting decisions

  3. Supports the faculty and staff

  4. Ensures accountability to the public

  5. Demonstrates community leadership by advocating for students and involving the community

What is the time commitment? 

School board meetings take place once a month and can last anywhere from 30 minutes to several hours, depending on the number of items on the agenda, the number of community members who give public comment, the amount of reports from employees, and other factors. Board meetings consist of a closed meeting (closed to the public, where student expulsions or salary negotiations may take place) as well as the public meeting (open to the public, where votes are made). 

You should also plan on taking time each week to review materials and connect with faculty, staff, students, and the public as needed.

How long is the term?

Across California, terms are four years long. 

When should I file?

File early! Get started as soon as possible so you can spend more time focusing on connecting with voters about your candidacy. Plan to submit your initial filing documents in July. You need to file your “Declaration of Candidacy” form no later than August 9, 2024 (88 days prior to election day).

How do I file?

The Nevada County Elections Office has a helpful page for prospective candidates. Get familiar with the Candidate Handbook for the election, published by the elections office. If you are a member of a political party, contact the party’s County Central Committee about your decision to run. County Central Committees can be a huge help in promoting your candidacy, get-out-the-vote efforts, and endorsements.

How much will it cost to run?

Filing fees vary. It is a good idea to pay to have a Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) published in the County Voter Guide. The cost for this 200 word (max) statement can be a few hundred dollars, but can cost more.

You may want to have some funding for signs and campaign materials. 

Tips for running

  1. Again, file early! Visit the Nevada County Elections Office to ask questions and get started.

  2. Build a team of supporters who will help with get-out-the-vote efforts such as mailers, walking neighborhoods, and social media.

  3. The Nevada County Democrat Party and Republican Party have established Central Committees who endorse and support candidates. You can reach out to another local party as well to see what support they might offer. 

  4. Listen to voters when you connect with them. Give them space to share their opinions. People want to feel like they are being heard. 

  5. Submit an article about your candidacy to Sierra Thread! Sierra Thread is dedicated to fair coverage for all political candidates. See the submission guidelines for candidates

Other resources

FPPC Candidate Toolkit for campaign laws and regulations

California Secretary of State Key Dates and Deadlines

Nevada County Elections Office “Become a Candidate” page

Nevada County Schools Directory

Candidate Filing Application Request (Nevada County) 

Amy Young

Amy Young is an imperfect follower of Christ who can read.


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