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Tapestry Patrick Wagner, MD Tapestry Patrick Wagner, MD

The Hippocratic Oath: Limitations

The Hippocratic Oath I swore states that I will in deep conscience and forever practice the profession of medicine in full awareness of my limitations of mind and body so that I will follow that method of treatment which, according to my ability and judgment, I consider best for the benefit of my patients.

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Tapestry Fran Freedle Tapestry Fran Freedle

Our Healthcare in California is at Risk

AB2200 has a jaw-dropping price tag of nearly $400 billion per year which is $100 billion more than the current $297 billion state budget in total.  This astounding cost including the threat to Californians’ access to quality healthcare reveals the disconnected radical politicians who are detached from the reality of our state’s fiscal condition.  We can’t just continue to put everything we want on the state credit card. 

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