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Discarded Military Mortars in Nevada County
The search for discarded military munitions has continued over the years.
The Similarities of President Carter and President Biden
“What was perceived as weak leadership on the world stage contributed to public discontent.”
The Story of Christopher Columbus and the “Columbian Exchange”
In the book The Columbian Exchange: Biological and Cultural Consequences of 1492, Alfred Crosby demonstrates that, while the obvious exchange between the Old World and the New World is its people going back and forth, such a view, which focuses only on the bodies of the people, is very narrow and omits the exchange of the culture of the peoples and the massive biological transfer between the Old and New World.
A Crazy World to Awaken In
You see, our original, organic Constitution for the united States of America was a contract and a trust agreement created by and in the name of we, the people - the body sovereign.
Louis Anthony Conter: USS Arizona Survivor and Nevada County Local Legend
Honoring Lou Conter, who was the last living survivor of the USS Arizona and a local legend. Lou Conter had a life marked by fortitude, sacrifice, and service.
Monument Needs Display Venue(s)
“…this is not your grandmother’s liberty statue, it is tuned to reach a new generation…”
Supervisors Deny Rise Gold’s Vested Mining Rights Petition
On December 14, 2023, the Nevada County Board of Supervisors unanimously opined that Rise Gold does not have a vested right in the Idaho-Maryland Mine. Following one entire day of public comment as well as the two hours of discussion prior to the vote, each supervisor voted to deny Rise Gold’s Vested Rights Petition filed with the County on September 2, 2023, setting up a likely court battle.
Notes of Debates in the Federal Convention of 1787 Reported by James Madison
The final form of the revisions to the Articles, which resulted in an entirely new Constitution, was a surprise to the states and the populous of the nation. The reason that the new Constitution was a revelation is because the delegates made certain that their deliberations would remain secret.
2023 Constitution Day Parade: Masonry in Action!
The event started promptly at 1:30 when brothers of the local lodges, fully dressed in period clothing, replicated the signing of the Constitution.
Historiography of the American Revolution
From the fall of Rome to the trans-Atlantic slave trade to the history of the early American period, the historical interpretation of these events or periods tend to evolve over time.
Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics
Since Aquinas through the present day, Aristotle’s Ethics has survived the test of time and continues to be deeply influential in the field of ethics.
Friar Tuck’s Celebrates 50 Years in Nevada City
This year marks the 50th anniversary of Friar Tuck’s!
Founding Fathers’ Fear of Tyranny of Majority and Mob Rule
“The masses have never thirsted after truth. They turn aside from evidence that is not to their taste, preferring to deify error, if error seduce them.”
Lyman Gilmore: Aviation Legend?
Our childhood history books taught us that Orville and Wilbur Wright invented the first powered airplane and conducted the first powered flight, but many local residents of Grass Valley, California, respectfully beg to differ. Local legend has it that Lyman Gilmore made the first powered flight from his Gilmore Airdrome in Grass Valley, California. Is it true?
Origins of the Cold War: 1942-1947
The origins of the Cold War were in the ideological differences between world powers.
Origins of the Cold War: 1917-1942
The USSR arose from the Bolshevik state and was based upon Lenin’s ideology known as “Bolshevism.” In short, Bolshevism is a form of Marxist ideology which calls for the toppling of capitalism and the centralization of power in the state…
The History of Empire Mine Company: The Bourn Family
William Bowers Bourn was the original owner of the Empire Mine Company. According to Roger A. Lescohler in The Story of the Empire Mine, 1850-1956, Bourn was a descendant of Jared Bourn “who came from England in 1630 with John Winthrop, the founder of the Massachusetts Bay Colony.”