Tedder for Nevada County Supervisor 2024

No nonsense, just action. I am the better choice for District 2 Supervisor of Nevada County because I believe in shrinking budgets and honest work for honest pay. To begin with, I am hyper-focused on getting our insurance rates down, getting PG&E to clean up their mess, and slimming down our bloated budget. Sharing is caring, so help me get this out!!! Check out Teddertalks.com for more info.

Jason Tedder

Jason is a long-time lover of the arts and the art of wit. He is proud to be a Nevada County Townie, a Veteran, and a fierce advocate of truth. Mostly known to friends as the quintessential jack-of-all-trades and is relatively masterful at each. His tax returns and medical records shall remain private but all other questions are welcome.


The Dangerous Side Effects of Physician Burnout


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