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Tapestry Pauli Halstead Tapestry Pauli Halstead

The Use of Public Resources for Campaign Activity or Personal Purposes

I was astonished to learn that our CEO, Alison Lehman, and County Counsel, Kit Elliot, took it upon themselves to transfer $50,000 of public resources to Gina Will’s Campaign Committee, thus circumventing public Board of Supervisor approval and public comment. Since I believe the transfer of funds was potentially illegal, I penned the following letter to our District Attorney’s office.

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Tapestry Barry Pruett Tapestry Barry Pruett

Laura Loomer Greeted in Nevada County with Calls for Government Censorship

Local leftists say the quiet part out loud progressively requesting that our local Nevada County supervisors should create a position in the county for when speakers with whom the local organized mob disagree, the community can vote to determine whether such speaker will be permitted to speak. Calling for the creation of not-so-free speech panels in order to regulate who comes to town to speak.

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Exposed Thread Barry Pruett Exposed Thread Barry Pruett

Nevada County Executives Contributed $50,000 of Taxpayer Dollars to Failed Auditor Candidate’s Campaign Committee

According to public records received from Nevada County and publicly available mandatory campaign FPPC disclosures, Alison Lehman, county chief executive officer, and Kit Elliott, county counsel, authorized the payment of $50,000 from the county general fund to Gina Will’s campaign committee without approval of the board of supervisors.

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Tapestry Barry Pruett Tapestry Barry Pruett

Nevada County Auditor Gina Will Appointment Similar to Coronation of Kamala Harris

We have sham elections occurring in Nevada County. Despite losing her election for auditor of Nevada County to Rob Tribble and after he was found by the Nevada County Superior Court to lack the statutory qualifications to serve as the auditor, the Nevada County Board of Supervisors appointed his challenger, Gina Will, despite the fact that she only garnered 45% of the County vote and was not chosen by the people of the County and without even considering an open appointment process.

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Tapestry Michael James Taylor Tapestry Michael James Taylor

Full Term Appointments for Elected Positions Isn’t Responsible Governance

Despite a strong recommendation from the Nevada County Superior Court filed on November 18, 2022, against appointment, the Board proceeded with its decision to appoint her for a full term. Recent appointments by the Board of Supervisors for elected positions, such as the recent appointment of Gina Will to the position of Auditor-Controller, have cast doubt on the Board’s adherence to fair and impartial practices – and for good reason.

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Tapestry Pauli Halstead Tapestry Pauli Halstead

Does the Board of Supervisors Have a Fiduciary Responsibility to the Public?

As fiduciaries of the Public Trust, the supervisors must always display honesty, integrity, and good faith toward their constituents, the People. My feeling is that Hardy Bullock, Sue Hoek, Heidi Hall, and Ed Scofield have failed their constituents in this area. Hall and Bullock touted that they did fact-check the salary comparisons, but this is possible when you line up the comparative counties.

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Tapestry Barry Pruett Tapestry Barry Pruett

Nevada County’s Failed Expert-Driven Ideology

The general feeling of the public that our supervisors and the County lack respect for our residents, local businesses, and for taxpayer dollars is a natural consequence of the County’s ideology which is based upon the idea that the supervisors and the County are the “experts” and that the public is ignorant and is incapable of caring for itself.

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