What Happened to Law and Order in California?

As a former member of the California Highway Patrol for some 29 years, I am sickened by the lack of accountability for criminals in our great state. During my time on the streets, I was spit on, beat up and shot at. So, I ask you why I should continue to risk my life.  Why should I risk leaving my wife and children without a husband and father. Why should I risk my life to save yours. Not an easy question to answer given the lack of support for law enforcement today. 

In my opinion Governor Newsom has completely turned his back on law abiding citizens. The ridiculous laws coming out of Sacramento have created a plethora of opportunities for the criminal element. We have even coined a new category called “smash and grab”. Numerous “smash and grab” crimes are reported every day that affect businesses, large and small, forcing them and consumers to cover the losses and shoppers to wonder whether they will be the next victim.  No wonder so many Californians are choosing to shop at home instead of placing themselves in harm’s way. It’s no wonder businesses are closing and moving out of state. It’s no wonder people don’t feel safe going to their local grocery store.  Californians should have the freedom to shop anywhere they wish without fear of personal harm.

When we look at the escalating mob violence and retail theft perpetrated against so many communities in California, it is clear something needs to get done. We’ve seen violence against innocent victims escalate for many years, but in the last three years it has reached a turning point where something absolutely must be done. It has pushed us to the brink and now we have added religion and national origin to the list of hate crimes.

Some will say that law enforcement is failing our citizens in numerous communities across California. It is no longer acceptable to just investigate and allow the media to select where law enforcement is appropriate. In other words, Law Enforcement Officials must be empowered to enforce the law.  We don’t need to write more laws; we need to encourage and support enforcement of the laws already on the books. We must take a stand and step up and amend the laws that aren’t working. Our courts need to impose penalties creating consequences for bad behavior.

I will work with law enforcement to advocate for more law enforcement professionals equipped with the tools and the authority they need to enforce the law and properly charge “smash and grab” as robberies so that criminals go to prison, are off our streets, and our communities are safe.

The uncontrolled flood of illegals, encouraged by Biden’s promises on the 2020 campaign trail of free, taxpayer-funded benefits and amnesty for all illegals, has led to a breakdown of the southern border, as well as a spread of crime, drug use, and homelessness in border communities, and particularly in California.  These criminals are making their way to communities throughout our state including the north.

Drug cartels are bringing fatal fentanyl into our communities and our young people are at high risk or possible death because of its lethality.  I will advocate for the harshest penalties for any crime linked to fentanyl.  Our children are at risk and we must take a stand.

As a former instructor teaching law enforcement personnel on the investigation and prosecution of human trafficking I can say with certainty Human Trafficking has become a household term. The untold numbers of young children who have become victimized by this crime, mostly perpetrated by criminals illegally crossing our southern border, are staggering. This crime is truly inhumane and must be stopped with every effort possible. Some areas of California are hubs for human trafficking and the growth of this crime must be curtailed.

With California designated as a “Sanctuary State” and some counties in particular inviting illegal immigrants, we have become a magnet for illegal criminals crossing our border and committing felonies without fear of prosecution and stiff penalties. Unfortunately, we are not holding them accountable to the fullest extent of the law for their crimes affecting every community in California. It would be more pragmatic to deport them because we now know they often go on to commit more crimes that leave deep scars and are often fatal for their victims. I will advocate for more collaboration with all law enforcement authorities to assure these criminals are removed from our state.

We should be “hard on crime” and protect our communities. District Attorneys in California counties must be empowered to enforce stronger sentencing sending a clear message that crime is not tolerated and criminals will be prosecuted. The “soft on crime” days should be over in California if we wish to live in a civilized community. Otherwise chaos and fear reign when the law is ignored, not enforced. 

Many existing laws just need to be enforced; the legislature can pass laws that make it easier to enforce making communities safer.  This is one of the most important tasks legislators can embrace. I plan to put a priority on law enforcement improvements with a focus on making our communities safe again.

Mark Mezzano

Retired California Highway Patrol Sergeant

Current Redding City Council Member

Candidate for State Assembly District 1 


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