Comments on the First Presidential Debate

Two elephants at lecterns debating each other

Now that the first debate of Republican candidates for the Presidential nomination is behind us, we need to take bold action. Not much more will be learned from future debates, but this one gave some hope.

What we saw collectively were great ideas to repeal all of Biden’s regulations that have stymied our economy. We need actions that are good for our economy and implement them to recover from the hole we are in. The overall consensus was that we need to return to American energy production that is the basis for economic growth and stop the climate hoax that is permeating policy decisions that are more harmful than helpful. Hopefully more Americans are waking up to this reality. It was disappointing to have a young person state that climate change is the most important issue – a person who has yet to hold a job, try to purchase a home, or support himself. This is not only a failure of our schools, but a big failure of the Biden administration.  More and more qualified experts are pointing out the folly of anything supporting this bad idea.

Education in our schools has reached an all-time low with fewer students able to read or do math. This needs immediate attention. Ridding our schools from the influence of teachers unions that fail to educate our children while supporting over-paid administrators who perpetuate bad educational policy should be a top priority. We cannot continue to fail to teach our children to love America and become young patriots. We must purge all the gender dysphoria and hate-America ideas that exist in the classroom by creating opportunities for parents to choose the best schools for their children with school choice initiatives. Parents must be in charge of their children’s education.

Republicans are united in the need to take action to recover from the disastrous Biden policies on our border that are welcoming terrorists and illegal aliens who could undermine our country’s stability by slamming down the border, finishing building the wall that we know was effective in keeping our country safer, and stopping the cartel-backed human trafficking and drugs that are killing our young people.  

They should work very hard to take away the power of Congress to pack the Court by supporting the efforts to keep the nine justices on the Supreme Court – a court makeup that has worked for the last 175 years. One of the most important actions taken during President Trump’s first term was to place 3 new justices on the Supreme Court. This has been very important to the rule of law in America and many decisions have restored hope to our country.

They all supported taking power out of Washington and any means should be used to do so at the first moment possible. If we don’t start taking power away from politicians and bureaucrats in Washington, how can we permanently reverse the growth and abuse of power in Washington? There is a Freedom Amendment going around Washington to take away the power of un-elected government bureaucrats who have been ruling by regulatory decree for many years. The House Republicans are working on this initiative and it needs to be raised to presidential priority.

All candidates agreed that our economy is in a shambles and spending is out of control by both sides of the aisle. We must remove the power of Congress to borrow without limits. A balanced budget amendment and fiscal discipline have never been such a top priority with spending out of control.

It will take discipline and commitment, but the Republican message is ready for implementation. We just need to get the election over with, change the power in Washington and commit to the prosperity that America deserves.

Fran Freedle

Fran Freedle is a long-term resident of Nevada County. She was a small business owner, and served on the Nevada County Board of Supervisors from 1994-1999 following 8 years as a Nevada County Planning Commissioner and statewide officer. She is actively engaged in the community serving on 5 Non-Profit Boards of Directors. She founded the KARE Crisis Nursery for small children to have a place for loving care and respite for overstressed moms. She is a Soroptimist actively engaged in supporting women and children in our community and beyond. She can often be found managing the books as Treasurer for many Non-Profit accounts. She is an elected member of the Nevada County Republican Party and serves as the Treasurer.


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