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The Shifting Sands of Power: From Elites to Trump and the People
In the United States, the balance of power has historically oscillated between various groups, shaped by economic, political, and social forces. One of the most dramatic shifts in recent times occurred with the election of Donald Trump in 2016, and again recently in 2024, which many interpret as a significant realignment from traditional power structures dominated by elites and bureaucracy to a more populist, people-centric model.
A Peace Plan: Healing the Wounds of Gaza and Israel
Amnesty is the bedrock of this plan. Amnesty is the political equivalent of forgiveness. It is wiping the slate clean and dropping the desire for justice and vengeance. There are already Israelis and Palestinians working together in a dialogue for peace. They know things cannot continue as they have been.
A Fair Time to Practice Good Listening and Compassion
How we react to the situation can either relieve all that pressure or make it explode.