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Teach Teachers
Dwight L. Moody, renowned American preacher and evangelist of the 19th century, said if he were to live life over he would fully direct his energy to reaching children with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Why Do We Leave Our Kids in Failing Schools?
There are serious institutional barriers in state law that keep our children in schools that may not fully meet their needs despite the best intentions and interventions by school administrators and teachers.
The Good Life and Happiness
I thought it timely to consider what the status of abundance and happiness is and where it can be found.
What’s at Stake?
At the Cross, in powerful symbolism, God the Father lays claim to the world, establishing God’s right of possession.
Nevada Joint Union High School District Enacts Snitch Policy
“…the new policy urges a student or staff member who unintentionally says anything that another student deems to be hurtful or offensive be reported to his or her school officials as perpetrating harassment or discrimination.”
Friar Tuck’s Celebrates 50 Years in Nevada City
This year marks the 50th anniversary of Friar Tuck’s!
Founding Fathers’ Fear of Tyranny of Majority and Mob Rule
“The masses have never thirsted after truth. They turn aside from evidence that is not to their taste, preferring to deify error, if error seduce them.”
California Legislature Moves to Make Hand Counting Ballots Impossible
The California Legislature and Secretary seek to stop counties from ditching voting machines by a sleight of hand.
The Resurgence of Communism in America
Communist leaders and their government agencies take over control of all private property, production of food and goods and its distribution, medical care and the financial system of the country.
Sports and Liberties
“The greatest athletes are talented, of course, but the best of all time generally reach that status by outworking everyone else of equal or greater talent.” —William J. O’Neil
Lyman Gilmore: Aviation Legend?
Our childhood history books taught us that Orville and Wilbur Wright invented the first powered airplane and conducted the first powered flight, but many local residents of Grass Valley, California, respectfully beg to differ. Local legend has it that Lyman Gilmore made the first powered flight from his Gilmore Airdrome in Grass Valley, California. Is it true?
Nevada County Cops Install Orwellian Spy Network and Nobody Notices
The system tracks all cars, all the time, regardless if they are of interest to the police with high-definition quality photos that even capture occupants and political stickers. These cameras are also publicly available and are utilized by civilians too, like neighborhood watches and tow trucks.
Claudia Taylor: God Calls Home a True Patriot
“One thing about Claudia is that she was always showing up to help and support whatever freedom fight someone was trying to get started. For me she was one of the first people who took me seriously and wanted to help. It meant so much to me when I felt like a voice in the desert.”
Voting Systems Are as Transparent as Your Government Is
Voting Systems have become the subject of much public scrutiny since the November 3, 2020 election, with Dominion taking most of the headlines. After many requests for public records pertaining to Nevada County’s voting system, and after much research, computerized voting systems are only as transparent as the government allows.
Origins of the Cold War: 1942-1947
The origins of the Cold War were in the ideological differences between world powers.
Origins of the Cold War: 1917-1942
The USSR arose from the Bolshevik state and was based upon Lenin’s ideology known as “Bolshevism.” In short, Bolshevism is a form of Marxist ideology which calls for the toppling of capitalism and the centralization of power in the state…
The First Amendment: What Constitutes Free Speech?
City leaders attempted to get a restraining order against Skyler Henry for comments he made on his political podcast.
Why Does the First of the Ten Commandments Say to "Worship God Only"?
“Review the very first of the Ten Commandments, ‘Worship no other gods but Me.’”
A Citizen’s Guide to Accessing Public Records
Submitting a PRA request is simple. You do not need a law degree to request access to public records.