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Tapestry Barry Pruett Tapestry Barry Pruett

Heidi Hall Disparages Constitution and Local Resident at LWV Forum

According to Heidi Hall, when a citizen seeks to defend the constitutional rights of Nevada County citizens, and to ensure transparent and fair governance and elections, it is a “waste of funds.” Rather than taking responsibility for what happens in County departments, Hall seeks to infringe on the constitutional rights of a local resident, act in secret, and then bully that resident with fabrications for political gain at a campaign forum.

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Tapestry Fran Freedle Tapestry Fran Freedle

Proposition 1 is Fatally Flawed

If you thought homelessness in California was already at a crisis point, it could get a whole lot worse under California's Proposition 1 that is being called “Housing first”. The truth is, it will be “Homeless Forever”.

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Tapestry Barry Pruett Tapestry Barry Pruett

Obituary to Freedom – American Journalist Gonzalo Lira Killed in Ukrainian Prison

Not one single mainstream media outlet (aside from FoxNews) is reporting on the death of this American journalist, Gonzalo Lira. Why, especially after the MSM fawned over Brittney Griner’s arrest in Russia on drug charges related to illegally bringing marijuana into the country? Eventually, the Biden regime negotiated her release in exchange for Viktor Bout, a Russian arms dealer who was arrested and convicted in the United States. What about Lira being held captive in Ukraine for exercising free speech? Seems simple enough. Unlike Russia and Putin, Ukrainians are our friends, right?

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Tapestry Pauli Halstead Tapestry Pauli Halstead

Pay Raises for Nevada County Executive Staff - Are They Justified?

Nevada County senior staff received pay increase during COVID at times exceeding $100,000. Currently, there’s no citizen oversight of county expenditures. Ordinary citizens are not allowed to attend the yearly budget sessions. Neither are citizens privy to negotiations in how salaries and pay raises are decided. Consequently, there’s no transparency in budget decision-making.

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Tapestry Barry Pruett Tapestry Barry Pruett

Can We Live up to the Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.?

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. deserves the admiration of a nation as one of its most influential leaders during the civil rights movement in the mid-20th century. In honor of his life and, in large part, the positive, Christian influence which he provided a nation during a most tumultuous era, we have made Dr. King’s birthday a national holiday.

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Tapestry Barry Pruett Tapestry Barry Pruett

Mobilization of America during World War II

Allan Winkler’s book provides a very broad perspective of World War II from the point of view of a multitude of social and economic groups. While giving a nod to the politics of the situation, Winkler successfully tells the mobilization story of America during World War II from the perspective of a multitude of social and economic groups providing a pleasant tapestry of the mobilization.

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Tapestry Terry McLaughlin Tapestry Terry McLaughlin

A Response to Antisemitism

When educated people respond to an act of savagery not with a defense of civilization, but with a defense of barbarism, it is an early warning system that society itself is breaking down.

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