Browse articles
Observing the 2024 Primary Election
Citizens have a right to observe elections, including ballot counting. In years past, observers’ experiences in Nevada County weren’t always positive. This year, observers report improvements, but some questions remain.
Appeals Court Overturns Judge Babineau’s Ruling in Matthew Coulter Case
Does the public have anything to say regarding the City of Grass Valley spending over $100,000 of General Fund resources to ‘judicially stalk’ Matthew Coulter?
The Hippocratic Oath: Teaching
“The Hippocratic Oath says a lot about the quality of those who teach students the art of medicine.”
Old News From The Nevada County Assembly
“We are in the midst of the second American revolution and the First global revolution.”
The Hippocratic Oath: Honor
Is medical help affordable? Is medical help competent? Is medical help satisfying? Is medical help safe?
Auditor-Controller and County Counsel Claiming ‘Privilege’ in Public Records Request
The Nevada County Board of Supervisors should be most interested in how the CliftonLarsonAllen contract was procured by County senior staff. The contract entered into without Board approval exceeded the $50,000 threshold which triggers Board action, yet County staff still contracted with CLA without Board approval.
The Fire Safe Council’s Lack of Fiscal Responsibility
The Legislative Analyst’s Office and the Grand Jury’s reports spell out the need to determine whether the “non-profit” programs being financed by millions of taxpayer dollars are making a valuable impact or are a waste of taxpayer money.
Will Taxpayers Win Against the Governor and Legislature?
According to Fran Freedle, passing the TPA will protect taxpayers.
Medi-Cal and Its Deleterious Impact on California Medical Care: The Deep State
“California physicians must have the professional freedom to care for their patients without interference.”
County’s Duty to Oversee Grant Funding with Fire Safe Council
The Office of Emergency Services and the Auditor-Controller have an ongoing duty to monitor the contracts with Fire Safe to make sure Federal and State grant money is accounted for. The buck has to stop somewhere. It is squarely with the County and OES.
Open Letter to Grass Valley City Council - Measure B
Given the manner in which the City presented Measure B to the voters, you created a hybrid between a general fund tax initiative and a special tax initiative. Please consider the goodwill of your constituents and start this process anew.
We The People: The Time is Now for a Third Party
There’s growing support in Nevada County for Robert F. Kennedy for President. According to the Elections Office, over 400 Nevada County residents have changed their voting registration through the Secretary of State to Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s ‘We the People’ party.
A Crazy World to Awaken In
You see, our original, organic Constitution for the united States of America was a contract and a trust agreement created by and in the name of we, the people - the body sovereign.
Is the Nevada County Planning Commission Violating Property Rights?
Because the mob was completely ill-informed, they likely did not know the extent to which Conger went to obtain proper approval of the event permit in accordance with the County’s ordinance.
Louis Anthony Conter: USS Arizona Survivor and Nevada County Local Legend
Honoring Lou Conter, who was the last living survivor of the USS Arizona and a local legend. Lou Conter had a life marked by fortitude, sacrifice, and service.
Nevada County Supervisor Hardy Bullock Cuts off Local Resident During Public Comment
The Brown Act, which governs public meetings of local agencies, states in part: “The legislative body of a local agency shall not prohibit public criticism of the policies, procedures, programs, or services of the agency, or of the acts or omissions of the legislative body.”
Our Healthcare in California is at Risk
AB2200 has a jaw-dropping price tag of nearly $400 billion per year which is $100 billion more than the current $297 billion state budget in total. This astounding cost including the threat to Californians’ access to quality healthcare reveals the disconnected radical politicians who are detached from the reality of our state’s fiscal condition. We can’t just continue to put everything we want on the state credit card.
The Truth About Gender Affirming Care: A Growing Tsunami of Tragedy
No child is capable of understanding the consequences of gender mutilation, because they are children. And no parent, no matter how sympathetic to their children’s plight, is capable of understanding the full ramifications of the procedures. Once hormonal manipulation is begun there is no turning back.
Governor Newsom Petitions the California Supreme Court to Reject the California Taxpayer Protection Initiative
“Let’s hope this effort fails like other election interference efforts in other states that have not survived the rulings of the Supreme Court of the United States.”