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Tapestry Sierra Thread Tapestry Sierra Thread

Why Are Local News Companies Accepting Government Funding?

According to public records received from the Nevada County Auditor's office, five local media outlets received, at a minimum, $150,000 in 2022 from the County of Nevada for advertising and other purposes. There are other local media companies that likely received funding from the County but were not included in this public records request.

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Tapestry Barry Pruett Tapestry Barry Pruett

Local Residents Find Hope in RFK Jr.

People in our local community are looking for real solutions to problems that don’t involve the local government. Our local government spends over one-third of $1 billion a year and has not solved any of our local problems. The idea of liberty as espoused by Robert Kennedy Jr. offers us a real solution for our local community as a whole.

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Exposed Thread Pauli Halstead Exposed Thread Pauli Halstead

The Hidden Costs of Measure V

Expenses related to Measure V have now totaled $236,143.04. Spearheaded by the CEO’s Office, none of these expenses ever came before the Board or the Auditor. When questioned about how the costs were expensed, Ms. Wills explained they were in the catch-all category commingled with many other costs in that category. There was no way the Auditor would have known about a special project.

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Tapestry Rev. Dan Prout Tapestry Rev. Dan Prout

Teach Teachers

Dwight L. Moody, renowned American preacher and evangelist of the 19th century, said if he were to live life over he would fully direct his energy to reaching children with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

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