K-12 and higher education
Just 3% of public high school students in the United States can pass the citizenship test required of immigrants for citizenship.
A Northern California elementary school is spending $250,000 of taxpayer money for teacher training sessions run by “Woke Kindergarten”
Serving on a local school board is an important opportunity to make a difference in the quality of education for students and management of the school as a whole.
Using bombastic language and outrageous antics, teachers are being clear that parents do not have the right to know if their child is discussing their sexual identity with the school.
“Consider the paradox: individuals who dutifully pay their membership dues to organizations like the SEIU or the California Teachers Association unwittingly finance a political entity diametrically opposed to their own well-being.”
Bitney Prep High School in Grass Valley, which teaches children, should not have sex flags hung around their classrooms, all identifying a group of people by their sexual preferences, actions, and lifestyle.
With so many bills in the legislature seeking to strip boards of local control, it is more important than ever to choose our candidates wisely.
If our education system leaders and teachers are taught to see all things through the lens of equity, what belief system will be inculcated in their students?
There are serious institutional barriers in state law that keep our children in schools that may not fully meet their needs despite the best intentions and interventions by school administrators and teachers.
“…the new policy urges a student or staff member who unintentionally says anything that another student deems to be hurtful or offensive be reported to his or her school officials as perpetrating harassment or discrimination.”
“The greatest athletes are talented, of course, but the best of all time generally reach that status by outworking everyone else of equal or greater talent.” —William J. O’Neil
“Don’t tell mom. She doesn’t understand you like I do.” - teacher who has known the child for a few months of 6th grade
Four of the five members of the Nevada County Board of Education met in January 2023. Susan Clarabut, vice president, led the meeting.
There was a motion to approve a new administrative regulation that would include a law requiring schools to install a menstrual products machine in at least one boy’s bathroom.
The Board unanimously approved 23 updated Board policies, administrative regulations, and exhibits.
The board voted on a new salary schedule, which includes the superintendent’s salary, effective July 1, 2022.
The Grass Valley School District held its final board meeting of 2022. Here’s what the board voted on (all votes were unanimous).