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Heather Hadwick: A Leader Rooted in Community and Ready for Assembly
“I would be honored to earn your vote and will work tirelessly for our state, District 1, our communities and for you.”
What Happened to Law and Order in California?
“I am sickened by the lack of accountability for criminals in our great state.”
Medi-Cal and Its Deleterious Impact on California Medical Care: The Cause
“The abusive and deleterious impact on California medicine via Medi-Cal is not simply financial.”
Extremism in the Military Debunked
Hundreds of thousands of these brave men and women never returned from their quest to help preserve the freedoms that we all enjoy. What a bitter pill it is to have their service and sacrifices denigrated by their leaders.
Does the Board of Supervisors Have a Fiduciary Responsibility to the Public?
As fiduciaries of the Public Trust, the supervisors must always display honesty, integrity, and good faith toward their constituents, the People. My feeling is that Hardy Bullock, Sue Hoek, Heidi Hall, and Ed Scofield have failed their constituents in this area. Hall and Bullock touted that they did fact-check the salary comparisons, but this is possible when you line up the comparative counties.
Nevada County’s Failed Expert-Driven Ideology
The general feeling of the public that our supervisors and the County lack respect for our residents, local businesses, and for taxpayer dollars is a natural consequence of the County’s ideology which is based upon the idea that the supervisors and the County are the “experts” and that the public is ignorant and is incapable of caring for itself.
Amy Young - Why I Am Running for Republican Central Committee
I’d like to tell you a little about myself and also about what the Nevada County Republican Central Committee is all about.
Reviewing the Data of Executive Staff Compensation
I remind all readers that in private companies the CEO must achieve greater revenue than expenses, a process that requires skill on both sides of the equation. Looking at the adopted budgets for the last six years, expenses have exceeded revenue.
Leveraging Your Vote: Your Vote as Currency
Your vote has roughly 500 times more impact on county contests than on statewide contests.
Supporters of Measure B Rely on Faulty Data Analysis
Having the fire department analyze, interpret, and present important data to recommend higher taxes without the guidance of data experts will lead to false conclusions and wrong decisions.
Monument Needs Display Venue(s)
“…this is not your grandmother’s liberty statue, it is tuned to reach a new generation…”
Robb Tucker for Nevada County Supervisor, District 2
“We are a special and different place, and our policies need to reflect that. We need leaders on the Board of Supervisors who will stand up for meaningful solutions to issues that affect our cost of living and quality of life.”
The Dangerous Side Effects of Physician Burnout
Having been through all of the above and having survived it, I’ve taken on the huge challenge of revealing what happened to the doctor over the last couple of decades, and how to right a terrible wrong.
Tedder for Nevada County Supervisor 2024
No nonsense, just action. I am the better choice for District 2 Supervisor of Nevada County because I believe in shrinking budgets and honest work for honest pay.
Heidi Hall Disparages Constitution and Local Resident at LWV Forum
According to Heidi Hall, when a citizen seeks to defend the constitutional rights of Nevada County citizens, and to ensure transparent and fair governance and elections, it is a “waste of funds.” Rather than taking responsibility for what happens in County departments, Hall seeks to infringe on the constitutional rights of a local resident, act in secret, and then bully that resident with fabrications for political gain at a campaign forum.
Attacks on Proposition 13
California families already pay the highest taxes in the nation, and all taxpayers are at risk of even higher taxes.
Proposition 1 is Fatally Flawed
If you thought homelessness in California was already at a crisis point, it could get a whole lot worse under California's Proposition 1 that is being called “Housing first”. The truth is, it will be “Homeless Forever”.
Obituary to Freedom – American Journalist Gonzalo Lira Killed in Ukrainian Prison
Not one single mainstream media outlet (aside from FoxNews) is reporting on the death of this American journalist, Gonzalo Lira. Why, especially after the MSM fawned over Brittney Griner’s arrest in Russia on drug charges related to illegally bringing marijuana into the country? Eventually, the Biden regime negotiated her release in exchange for Viktor Bout, a Russian arms dealer who was arrested and convicted in the United States. What about Lira being held captive in Ukraine for exercising free speech? Seems simple enough. Unlike Russia and Putin, Ukrainians are our friends, right?
Leveraging Your Vote: The Sanctity of Your Vote
Elections are an opportunity to express one’s will, as well as a struggle to remain free.
Pay Raises for Nevada County Executive Staff - Are They Justified?
Nevada County senior staff received pay increase during COVID at times exceeding $100,000. Currently, there’s no citizen oversight of county expenditures. Ordinary citizens are not allowed to attend the yearly budget sessions. Neither are citizens privy to negotiations in how salaries and pay raises are decided. Consequently, there’s no transparency in budget decision-making.