Browse articles
A Crazy World to Awaken In
You see, our original, organic Constitution for the united States of America was a contract and a trust agreement created by and in the name of we, the people - the body sovereign.
Is the Nevada County Planning Commission Violating Property Rights?
Because the mob was completely ill-informed, they likely did not know the extent to which Conger went to obtain proper approval of the event permit in accordance with the County’s ordinance.
Louis Anthony Conter: USS Arizona Survivor and Nevada County Local Legend
Honoring Lou Conter, who was the last living survivor of the USS Arizona and a local legend. Lou Conter had a life marked by fortitude, sacrifice, and service.
Nevada County Supervisor Hardy Bullock Cuts off Local Resident During Public Comment
The Brown Act, which governs public meetings of local agencies, states in part: “The legislative body of a local agency shall not prohibit public criticism of the policies, procedures, programs, or services of the agency, or of the acts or omissions of the legislative body.”
Our Healthcare in California is at Risk
AB2200 has a jaw-dropping price tag of nearly $400 billion per year which is $100 billion more than the current $297 billion state budget in total. This astounding cost including the threat to Californians’ access to quality healthcare reveals the disconnected radical politicians who are detached from the reality of our state’s fiscal condition. We can’t just continue to put everything we want on the state credit card.
The Truth About Gender Affirming Care: A Growing Tsunami of Tragedy
No child is capable of understanding the consequences of gender mutilation, because they are children. And no parent, no matter how sympathetic to their children’s plight, is capable of understanding the full ramifications of the procedures. Once hormonal manipulation is begun there is no turning back.
Governor Newsom Petitions the California Supreme Court to Reject the California Taxpayer Protection Initiative
“Let’s hope this effort fails like other election interference efforts in other states that have not survived the rulings of the Supreme Court of the United States.”
Dead Man Voting
I decided to investigate the procedures of both Placer and Nevada counties to see why someone would receive a dead person’s ballot.
Jesus v. Caesar
“To our discredit, we have expected that civil authority can well function without the tangible presence of moral virtue.”
Roseville Joint Union High School District: Are Parent Rights a Priority?
Using bombastic language and outrageous antics, teachers are being clear that parents do not have the right to know if their child is discussing their sexual identity with the school.
Dead Voters Receiving Ballots in Nevada County Evidences Lack of Election Security
Dead people receiving ballots in the mail and actually voting in elections is nothing new in Nevada County.
Medi-Cal and Its Deleterious Impact on California Medical Care: The Cure
I suggest considering human health as consisting of five aspects that we all need to recognize and understand in the business of California medicine.
Exposing the Hidden Influence: Public Sector Union Money Corrupts California's Democratic Process
“Consider the paradox: individuals who dutifully pay their membership dues to organizations like the SEIU or the California Teachers Association unwittingly finance a political entity diametrically opposed to their own well-being.”
The Divisive Classroom of the United States
Bitney Prep High School in Grass Valley, which teaches children, should not have sex flags hung around their classrooms, all identifying a group of people by their sexual preferences, actions, and lifestyle.
Full Term Appointments for Elected Positions Isn’t Responsible Governance
Despite a strong recommendation from the Nevada County Superior Court filed on November 18, 2022, against appointment, the Board proceeded with its decision to appoint her for a full term. Recent appointments by the Board of Supervisors for elected positions, such as the recent appointment of Gina Will to the position of Auditor-Controller, have cast doubt on the Board’s adherence to fair and impartial practices – and for good reason.
Voters Have Been Grossly Misled by the City Regarding Measure B
I believe voters have been grossy misled by the City of Grass Valley’s attorney and staff regarding Measure B.
Is a Total Pay and Benefits Package of $430,800 Sustainable Pay In The Public Sector?
Over the past eight years, their total financial compensation packages have nearly doubled, which is incredibly alarming considering our county's budgetary challenges.
A Holistic Perspective on Measures E and B
Extensive research, conversations with local business owners, and documents from Tim Kiser put Measures N, E, and B in a new light.
Medi-Cal and Its Deleterious Impact on California Medical Care: The Effect
The effect of Newsom’s harsh Medi-Cal government run healthcare throughout California and beyond has been to herd both doctors and patients into a trancelike and untrusting state of mind.
Fran Freedle, Incumbent Candidate for Republican Central Committee, District 4
During my tenure I have fully participated in all activities of the Central Committee. This includes working on elections, walking door-to-door, helping candidates, attending rallies, attending meetings, supporting all activities of the Central Committee.